Jah Bless picked up these new MOA ANBESSA tees from Kayrock and Wolfy. Here's Dutchie on the Shop Grom demo-ing a yellow one...
'Shop Grom' for GROM Skateboards, hand-shaped and painted by Brady Dollarhide. Se vende at Molluskine

Sun In Ya Face!
Moa Anbessa Sound System Tee
*limited sizes in yellow and white
2Nite and Every...
w/Jon Bless
81 S. 6th Street (Corner of Berry)
Williamsburg, BK
Rad Shirts...I gotta rep MOA ANBESSA.....I need a new mix Jon!...I played out the Abuna Yemata...Bless Up!
Hey and there you are. Every time I come by you are shredding that same stretch of coping.
That little sidewalk is gonna get worn down to the nub.
Just heard you are opening an LA shop too.
At some point you will be hated upon for nothing but being so nice guys with interesting stuff to sell and say.
For whatever reason, people hate that.
yes, problems with mono-mania. as we develop new eyes, new shreddable terrain appears in the every day. nothing is boring.
you guys are gay...gay
I think someone said "latent homosexual."
Ok, its halloween, my son looks like an Indian. Wait, my son is an Indian. Well, either way, I'm tipsy.
Happy halloween.
if we continue any further it's $75 an hour w/sliding fee scale depending on how hard you shred. otherwise, yes the color scheme is rather bright and lovely.
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