An Evening with Allan Weisbecker
Thursday October 11th 8pm
Allan Weisbecker, author of 'In Search of Captain Zero' and 'Cosmic Banditos' (both in development as feature films with Sean Penn and John Cusack, respectively) will be signing his new book: Can't You Get Along With Anyone? A Writer's Memoir and a Tale of a Lost Surfer's Paradise'.

"As his sanity, health and existence are simultaneously mangled, Weisbecker somehow manages to solve a murder, wrestle the dark side of paradise, and wind up on multiple third world hit lists. . . Can't You Get Along With Anyone? is a necessity for anyone who believes truth is indeed stranger than fiction. . . an entrancing, thoughtful and darkly humorous calamity."
-Surfer Magazine
Michael Ginthor's documentary "Zen and Zero" featuring Mr. Weisbecker will be screened in conjunction with the book signing.

Coney Island Lager, street-side BBQ, and after hours rad skate jam too!
210 KENT AVE (corner of METROPOLITAN and RIVER St.)
L To Bedford/G To Metropolitan
So I figured out that one surfboard with the funky pin tail I had brought over from Carlsbad wasn't one of the ones shaped by my father-in-law.
I asked him about about it and he laughed and said he wasn't sure what was what down in that basement but that he never shaped for Sunset Surfboards, which is the decal on the deck. I checked into the Sunset legacy and some of those guys went on to do the Moonlight Glassing thing which is neat as well.
I wouldn't be surprised if he did have some times with that crew down there in Encinitas. It seems like all the right timings.
I'll bring that board by at some point for you to take a look.
Wish I could be there for this... Looking forward to finally getting my copy of CYGAWA.
signing it sure, but more importantly, selling it?
fingers crossed i can get out of work early...
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