Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Things People Make

Dennis 'Deeeeeeeebow' Borrowsky rolled by this arvo with the prototype boardsock featured below. I dig how he looks like an old NY hardcore kat in this photo. Yo, weren't you in Agnostic Front? Deeeebow could be the third Miret brother. Kill Johnny Stiff!

Yeah so, Dennis Miret tends bar at this superchill place called the Dressing Room at 75A Orchard St., 1.5 blocks south of Delancey between Broome and Grand. It's a boutique that has a bar or a bar that has a boutique. Either which way you can shop and drink or drink and shop. We're gonna be screening some surf movies (Hal Jepson's Cosmic Children, A Sea For Yourself and others) and playing some records Thursday nite starting around 9pm. Sort it out, this could become a regular thing.


...But getting back to things people make, the rad pig below was constructed by Mark E. formerly of England where reportedly it's only nice to live if you're the Queen. He's been in NY since the 80's and spent much of that time getting into trouble in the East Village when the buildings were still burned out. I'll never forget the time he brought his daughter Annabelle by and how she came right up to the counter and said, 'Hey Mike, you know I'm not really convinced that those quads work.' I asked if she'd overheard that conversation at dinner.

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