Wolfy the Elder (draftsman of the og Fish Fry tee as well as the 2008 version) got into a bicycle accident while doing the good deed of food pick-up. Luckily he's aight, just a couple of cuts and some minor head trauma...nothing homeboy can't hang wittt. Awesome Allison is that sprite in the background. She left for Europe today on Awesome Color tour so keep an ear out.
Incredible Hulk HB pride right here. The drivers were talkin' shit from across the street, apologies no audio...
Cat the Kat on Secret Project lookout. Curious and curiouser...
I think this is Ottavio Ha's cousin. He came by late arvo styles asking how to pose.
RK aka Earl Gloomenthal was recently quoted in the Times...
Others have found it implausible that prosecutors are equating a beach clique, however unpleasant, to a criminal street gang.
“They weren’t gangsters,” says Richard Kenvin, 47, a filmmaker who grew up surfing Windansea. “They were gangsta chic.”
Happy 22nd Birthday to Joseph William Falcone aka Joey Clams! Much respect cuz, with Manny and Josh infiltrating the Casino ya'll best be ordering boards now before it takes 2 years! Rock a 22...
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