Friday, March 14, 2008

Late Afternoon Leisure

Alvarez con uke y perro out for their early afternoon walk.....this time not looking as drunk! Muchas gracias amigo. There's so much music on the street, it's hard to believe people still wear headphones! Check his

...later in the arvo a truck pulled up and a pack of kids with skateboards emerged. Ramps were adjoined and shredding ensued...

"Do a boneless," shouted one on-looker...

This is some kind of fakie corner building grind, it tripped everyone rad!

As if things hadn't already gone mental, Ivory and Shelter Serra came strolling 'round tha corner and laid down a few hits amidst serious levels of stoke. Their show comes down Sunday but if you stop by in the afternoon you can still check it. Here's Ivory kick-flippin ta fakie inna DR kicker style...

Bro Shelter end games beginning again ramp transfers...


*We still have blank skatedecks left for making ya own shredstix. Trace the template of your favorite skate or tweak your own!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so rad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
love the headphone line..... street heat.