Friday, June 11, 2010

HB DAY KESS 1: 6/11/1961

Mr. Hess left a couple things in New York for public consumption, 'Machado's The Present board' is already gone, sold to a most militant individual...

5'11 x 19.5 x 2.5 'Singer' w/glass ons

6'0x 19.825 x 2.5 HESS 'Balboa' offering more options than not paddling out

Mini Zombie Mike an otherwise teacher gettin' ready for SUMMER!

With the recent cloudy weather Jose has been making it down to River Street without selling out of his chicken, beef, or 'american' cheese comido corrido

Three for $5, to be eaten two at a time

Yo Papi, don't forget the hot sauce!

Eldos of 'Eldos Audio (FUCK SOUND)' fame sent this one of a homemade pizza pie as shaped on Sugar Hill with the capicola/gabba ghool, salt and pepper tricks LIVE on 155th, Chelsea and Fort Greene. Beware broken bottles and eye-glasses!

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