Andy Kessler has been a fixture at the shop since the beginning, blessing us with his kandy-hassling charm, comically compassionate listening skills and therapist-like street insight. Two of the first skaters he encountered were two surfing brothers who also had skateboards. Homeboy was the master of the day-to-day and seriously one of last real mofos to have been around for the birth of NYC graffiti, skate, hip-hop, punk/no wave culture and still holding it down with a pure and open heart after having lived through so much shit, both good and bad. He stopped by Friday on his way out to Montauk in great spirits amping on the weekend and re-telling stories from the previous ones epic sessions. Not just about the waves he shredded but getting humbly caught inside at a mysto spot, subsequently worked and how it was great preparation for upcoming hurricane season. Not to mention the Bus BBQ! 50 years young and jazzed like a grom trying to improve his quiver, his surfing and himself. Kandy (H)Assler you and your George Hamilton tan will always be missed! Tuffest of the TUFF RIP RESPECT. Suck a Fuck...KESS LIVES!

Farmer, Dubstar and Kess enjoying the fruits of a mysto sesh

KingBee and Bill's

Smoothie master!

With fellow high school associate Michael Halsband

A few from the Montauk Memorial on Friday...
'All kooks, meatballs and hodads welcome'

From the Gribble cam archives.
KESS ONE w/trusty ole Papa Joe pre-barcode

Serious like Yahoo

A sometime employee usually when new boards or women came to the shop

He liked wetsuits, A LOT...

Having fun on one of his own

The much coveted 'Never been Pro' Model

36 can be hung

Kustom Kess grip

Johnny HA onna NBP featuring Leonard Peltier's prison number

Kurious Kats

The original long hair tripper: Beware KESS is watching you! (foto of a Serra foto)
Yes. Thanks must be given to a higher power, by those lucky enough to have been friends with Kess. He was as good as they come, inside and out. Even though he was known to have been the more than occasional ball buster. He told me "soft wheels are for pussies, get yourself some spitfire classics and stop being a pussy" hahaha I'll never forget that and since then I've ridden nothing but spitfire classics (60mm). This world was truly a better place when he was in it. I miss you already bud!
bless the kess.
we love you.
Such an amazing human being. Andy was always quick to give a call and let you know what your friendship meant to him, but he was even quicker to call you up an apologize for being over opinionated. Point is Kessler truly lived life as if it were short. He let everyone know how much they meant to him constantly. Mollusk was one of Andy's favorite hang spots and he let everyone know that.
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