Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Sun Rises In The East

Coast Guard Gavin stopped by the other night with fotos his wife took a few hurricanes back at a spot whose location is highly sensitive due to its proximity to the neighborhood where Giovanni da Verrazzano retreated after one of his men took a Lenape arrow to the neck. From the shorey to Central Booking...

Alas, the 6'6 Russ Short Bonzer-3. Late 70's template for those who like their single fins on steroids!

JOJ TODAY: The ...lost classic 5'5 x 19 1/4 and 5'5 REDUX!

Checkout these dope fishy bags our girl Maiko made. Great for wax, sunblock, fins, sambos and smugglin' Pickles!

Rikky the Rocker is on the road again but I have a strong feeling he'll be buying a board when he returns!?

Our man from the East Joey C. Gallagher is out West paying respect to Bearded John and other CA. surf soldjahs. If you're rolling that way, checkout his show up in SF at CC Rider...

Happy Birthday Summer Blain! Meatballs are great just before bed and first thing in the morn...especially from Dora.

STOP INSANITY ISLAND MEETING THURSDAY 6-8pm at the Long Beach Public Library, 111 W. Park Ave, LBNY.


Mr. Lentini said...

I spy with my little eye a coast gaurd image of the bowl?

Ron Jon da Don said...

heels of steel lentini get out of the hampster wheel