Never been ridden 6'3 Evolution by Wayne Lynch. So shreddy the dims don't matter! ($650-$1500)
5'5 x 20 x 2 3/4 CI Fishcuit quad ($450).
After countless calls inquiring about Manny Caro's boards it's amazing these four can co-exist in the same space...but not for long! FREE MANNY!
Mandala 5'9 x 20 1/2 x 2 1/2 with glass on Partch fins ($OLD!)
5'6 x 20 x 2 1/2 Mandala quad fish w/Lokbox ($350)
5'9 x 20 1/2 x 2 1/2 Mandala stub single with flared, foiled and muted diamond tail ($350)
6'5 x 20 x 2 3/4 Mandala 2-plus-1 shredder ($OLD!)
Mark E w/balsa quad shredder in fine Britannia style (Da Kine AI tailpad not shown). Custom regards to Queens.
Soriya steppin on luck with Junod thruster
Johnny Moto's new surfbus
"Hi Nicole, I'm in New York..."
is that a real monkey?
No, it's an Australian
there really is a monkey if you look at the pic closely and who knows, he could be an aussie from west pohm beach!?!? I hate you that truck is perfect
Brain overload from this post.
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