Fellow Hermano Andando Doog Lass charging Ida the 13th RESPECT

Drew Kookbox got Dirty on Thursday

Other Ida's...foto of DAD!
Griffin 5-4-3 fin shredders available at Mollusk Brooklyn
Two 5'10's...x 20 1/2 x 2 5/8...
Two 6'0's...x 20 2 3/4 x 2 5/8...
Nearest Newtown
GZ's CC Mini-Glider
...or Whitney Houston often times on the wheel surfing
"Griffin 5-4-3 fin shredders available at Mollusk Brooklyn"
Umm.. those Griffs are not intended to be ridden as tri fins
somebody's worried their brains might fall out!
Dead Boys and a dope Glider. Sooooweeeet post!
Pendo mind bendo.
Word, the Griffin's are 5-4-3-2-oney's, keep shredding!
dead boys what up danielle?
Thanks for the hubba-aloha, Cowa-flexit!
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