Eldos trippin' on longhair flash
Johnny Chipper and CC Slider out the d'oh. HB or nuthin' HA
Cornelius Blackpool with wife-beater, shaved head, shaved chest and Ditch Plains DANO Halloween RF Paddle-Battler
a curious kustomer came in with this one
Spoke to Sally this morning, an assortment of Hanel quad speed eggs, 5-fin and quad fish are being shipped from Moonlight this week.
Mr. Reuben of Swift-fame called to notify about a box of 3 being shipped later this week. Talkin 'bout 6'5" and 6'9" Bob Mitzven (u know those rails) shaped long fish and a 6'0" Daniel Thompson flying fish you wish you could shred.
Mollusk boardsox this week too...promise!
A bronzed bubbie.
Ill EEL action... waddap Will?
enrique self-tans in winter ONLY
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