Thursday, March 18, 2010

Extra 750

Pendo lives the life so of course he's needed to play the part but his music is free and filled with Aloha. 6'4 Much Respect model PENDOBUILT soup ta deez yo, an OriGinal...

Fellow Hermano Andando Doog Lass charging Ida the 13th RESPECT

Drew Kookbox got Dirty on Thursday

Other Ida's...foto of DAD!

Griffin 5-4-3 fin shredders available at Mollusk Brooklyn

Two 5'10's...x 20 1/2 x 2 5/8...

Two 6'0's...x 20 2 3/4 x 2 5/8...

Nearest Newtown

GZ's CC Mini-Glider

...or Whitney Houston often times on the wheel surfing


  1. "Griffin 5-4-3 fin shredders available at Mollusk Brooklyn"

    Umm.. those Griffs are not intended to be ridden as tri fins

  2. somebody's worried their brains might fall out!

  3. Dead Boys and a dope Glider. Sooooweeeet post!

  4. Word, the Griffin's are 5-4-3-2-oney's, keep shredding!

  5. Thanks for the hubba-aloha, Cowa-flexit!
