Monday, February 9, 2009

Molluskine Event: 2/21/09

Surfy Foto Exhibit Saturday February 21st, 6-10pm at Secret Project Robot featuring the work of Thomas 'Snapwater' Colla, Matthew 'Double OHBRO' Clark and Jack 'Glider' Brull along with two short films by Toddy 'Sonny' Stewart. Irie vibes with Dubstar and Jah Bless, come celebrate with suds, male and female surfing studs! (Secret Project Robot is located adjacent to the shop)

Tommy Snaps


Glider Brull

Shigeru and Maiko stopped by last nite with a fresh steady-ska cd and some new fishy purses!

Blake's got a new Hanel speed egg....shred is here!

HO! Mick Mackie flex-tail JOJ from OZ via San Diego courtesy of RK and Consafos!

New Uptown Cats: Henry and Hermann Vache

Vongole on the sly w/vermouth substituted for white wine....couple angel hairs too.

Postgrom Rob came by for a slice and a haircut. Told him to hit La Nonna which he thought sounded like Il Fornio...still reppin' the fresh muhtz!

On the Ellington Line...

HB Toxic Avengers

Dorito caught burning Funboarder Fynn not unlike that famous shot of Phil Edwards burning Diffenderfer, eh HA? (Pic by Tommy Wavedancer aka Lunchbox)

Digi Gil sent these from the North Shore...

Tally Ho, TALLY HO!



    much like the famous Phil edwards PIc I cropped Fynn out and turned it into a nice image .....

    Dorado says : dont sit deeper or further outside than me on a longboard on a shortboard day .... if you do , don't do it repeatedly ... Fynn you're alright

  2. dorado you ever get sick of surfing lefts

  3. no if i had my way there would be only lefts
