Sunday, October 5, 2008

Feed Your Head

Jim Cook sent some fotos he took at the NYSFF. A South Centro still from Denny Aaberg's Little Wednesday...

DA and John Milius during the Q-n-A

Dubstar's Darkside bonzer w/Star of Ganesh layin lo next to the turntables

Mr. Bonzero himself, Malcolm Campbell

Malibu Charlie, director of Blood Family Surf calling the surf report...

blain disco foto

NYSFF judge and tune selectjah, John Dubstar chuning his Choice longfish on the other end of things...

fotos courtesy of Ron Hamilton


  1. That's V.I. Lenin! Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov! Shut the F**k up Donnie! Your out of your element!

  2. that must be jerz since there aren't any rights in ny!?!
