Thursday, August 21, 2008

Strictly Funboarding

JH sent a mysterious email last month with the image below attached. I didn't ask questions. This past weekend Adam M. Ant was seen blazing a lo-tide speedy shorey on a friend's Fineline MP. Small talk turned HB and a nebulus question regarding HULLTASTIC VOYAGE appeared in the line-up. GTF out of here!?!? Kendall Rossi too!?!? Kustomers gone MENTHULL. Please don't sue! or sew?

Jake Bee of Hi-Shred fame sent this one from the roads South and West. While Western, KLM has been pimpin' the Mystery Mobile w/broken turn signals and Florida plates for disguise. Beware Miami Fade, Smallahassle, West Calm Beach and Sorrysota!

-More BIRDIES! Keepin' it colorful
-Crystal Voyager DVD re-stocks. ESSENTIAL GREENOUGH!


  1. easy on the sorrysota yo! We are growing in numbers, taking over this ant hill.

  2. picture ashy and jb hanging toes on mayo logs. siiiiiiiiiick.

  3. Maybe taking over the set of Flipper. ..Picture Bob's Big Boy opening on Bedford!

  4. We will be open tomorrow night post Mollusk closing biatttttccchhh!!
