Monday, August 11, 2008

Mindful Monday and cigarettes. Mr. Fenton sortin' it out...

9'6" Josh Hall NYC kustom Mets/Knicks pinner for Hot Rod Neil

Little by little...BONZEROS!
Domino Dancer kustom w/bamboozles

5'10" Octafish ($OLD to DG!)

6'0" Bumble Bee-3 for small mush or down the line madness!

6'6" Russ Short w/late 70's diamond outline for good waves, winter and catching more waves...


  1. Ha!...color came out a little awkward but who cares! Very nice, very nice. Thanks guys!!
    Hello from Toronto...tomorrow headed to LAX and next week I should be there to pick up that Bonzero!
    Thank Mikoh ; )

  2. other lemons:
    5'10" bumble bee (steel blue)
    5'10" bumble bee (red)
    7'0" bonzer-5 hi-performance shred
