Tuesday, August 12, 2008

mad boards

Larry Mayo logs and fish are here along with a mental batch of Rainbow/Pavel long fish, 6'6, 6'8, 7'0 and 7'6....pix in a bit, cuttin' cardboard til then...Junod logs, a pumpkin seed and eggs!


  1. awwwwwwwhhhhhhhh sheeeeeeeeeet yeahhhhhh!!!!!!

  2. pix after-noon! serious shreddibles in stock, possibly more boards than even dubstar!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The word is Mix Machemer Mike just cracked open yet another box of swifts this morning!!give him til the avro to post pix!
    looks like there's a 6'9" long keel, 6'0" keel and a 5'10" quad pendo flex! shop is stocked to the gills with amazing sleds!
