Thursday, January 17, 2008

Used Shredibles

XCEL rubber is IN and going quick, we still have a few 5/4 drylocks left and heaps of boots and gloves. Help get ya'll out there this weekend! Also, a couple of used boards were acquired this week, check-check it out ya' the shop for details.

6'9" Christenson Pocket Rocket, couple
o' nix in the gloss otherwise pretty minty

6'6" Stu Kenson-shaped "Sea of Joy"
model for Joel Tudor surfboards

5'10" Christenson twin keel, heel dents
on the deck but otherwise really good
condition. Sweet board! ($OLD!)

Dubstar is selling his 6'10" T.Maus single fin.
Here's an old shot of him riding it. Interesting
to note, that's Onefin Schmartz on the shoulder
and he ain't dropping in!

Bobby L. rides a lone wall...


  1. dammm... that's a nice pintail!!! Gotta send my family representative down to check it out :)

  2. Loll, how much is the CC sigle rocket?
    Hey Alexandro lets split the cost?

  3. That first board up there is really nice looking.

  4. iwdth and thickness on the t.maus?

  5. 6'10 x 20 x 2 5/8


    unique hand shape

    now in charge of takayama's production (for the past few years)

